The Breakthrough Energy Movement is a non profit organization of Inventors, Researchers and Intellectuals who are determined to ensure that the World embarks on a clean and sustainable energy usage. The Core team of the Movement is based in Netherlands however their membership and influence is all over the World. At the center of the campaign of this movement is the Breakthrough Energy Technology which is defined as an abundant energy source which produces zero emissions and can provide clean, safe, healthy, reliable and affordable Energy Solution to the World.


There are three ways in which the Breakthrough Energy Movement operates:

1. Conferences:
The Movement holds conferences annually from all over the World to share their knowledge, discuss technologies and discuss further steps and strategies for the development and deployment of Breakthrough Energy Technology. There was a Global Conference held in Colorado in the year, 2013. The Venue of the Conference was “The Days Hotel” in Boulder. At the Conference, several Breakthrough Energy Technology were shown to attendees who had a first hand opportunity to witness how this new technology can transform Energy usage in the World.

2. Educational Resource Documents:
The Movement also creates several qualitative content which are delivered to People both online and in Print. The essence of this Resource Documents is to educate people about the dangers of the traditional Energy Systems like Coal and Oil to the Environment. These documents create the awareness of the damage done to the environment as a result of the use of unsustainable Energy resources. These Educational Resource Documents enlighten the Public of the existence of new Energy systems that are clean, safe and healthy for humans and the Environment. The aim of this is to let the Public see the need to change from the old Energy System to a new and cleaner Energy System.

3. Global Movement:
This Strategy is to ensure active engagement of Individuals in the clean Energy Project all over the World. It is the phase that involves taking actions, like creating Breakthrough Energy Technology and deploying them for usage.

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